It was wonderful, having Buddy cook us breakfast each morning.
Precious Scout, sunning herself in the entrance way.
While we were in AZ, Buddy finished up his work from last Christmas. Last Christmas, he put electricity in Nicole’s doll house. This time he finished installing lamps, and chandeliers.
Hopefully, her dollhouse is complete. Nicole needs to do some wallpapering. We bought some really pretty paper. I hope she puts it up.
Such a pretty bird for Thanksgiving.
Stuffing the bird.
Nicole and her girls.
One of the angels I finished making.
The other angel I made.
I am really proud of my angels.
Nicole’s table for Thanksgiving.
It was wonderful spending time with Nicole and Chuck this Thanksgiving. It had been years since I have spent my favorite holiday with family.
Nicole clowning around in the kitchen trying to get dinner ready.
Group picture after dinner.
Still proud of those angels!
I had a pedicure right before I left for AZ. I just love having a pedicure. That is now one of my favorite indulgences.
This is our group picture getting ready to leave for Jerome, AZ.On the way to Jerome, we stopped at this, my favorite dollhouse store. Buddy and I purchased a few more things for the dollhouse.
This is the wonderful Bed and Breakfast we stayed at in Jerome.
The entire B&B was decorated for Christmas. Inside and out.
It is suppose to be haunted, however, I didn’t run into any ghosts. Buddy did, however.
We had the best room at the inn. We also had a sitting room off the bedroom.
A very old stove used as a night stand.
The bathroom had recently been redone. A great walk in shower.
Buddy relaxing outside our room.
View outside our room.
Another view.
Room key with a flashlight so we can find our way in the night.
Went to the Mile High Grill our first night in town. Food was excellent!
Sweet couple!
Waiting for our dinner.
I don’t know if you can see in this picture, but there was a man there singing good old country songs. We had such a good time.
That is our B&B all decorated at night.
We went to bed when we got back because we were so tired from the drive.
More to come!
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