I can’t believe that it’s been so long since I have blogged! Things just seem to get a head of me. Since my surgery I have been making progress every day. I am feeling better than I have in years. I am so very thankful for the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, especially Dr. Gillinov. I truly believe that I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him. But I regress……..
Buddy and I flew to AZ for Christmas this year. What a time we had!! Nicole and Chuck really know how to show you a great time.
Buddy and I at the airport at 1 in the morning, 3 am our time. Boy, were we ever tired. Looked forward to a bed and a good night’s rest.
Nicole always has beautiful roses waiting for me when I get to her house. These were peach and cream and just dreamy. I love to see what she has for me.
After a day of rest, we got to work shopping for Chuck’s Christmas gift. We started out at Lowe’s and then went to Home Depot. We bought the outdoor furniture in one place and the umbrella at the other. The chairs were swivel ( Buddy’s idea) and we bought the bright red umbrella to make the furniture pop. It also brought out the beautiful colors of their bougainvillea.
Since it’s been so long, I’m just going to post the pictures from Christmas and maybe some captions underneath.
Buddy looking for something for Nicole in her craft room. What a mess. Can you find Buddy?
Cabinet that Nicole finished for her Craft room.
Another picture of her craft room.
That use to be an old seed bin in a hardware store. It’s now filled with button, ribbons, and just gobs of stuff.
Scout checking me out. Looking for food.
Nicole and Buddy
One of two Christmas trees that Nicole has in her kitchen.
Light over the dining room table. Got the idea from her mother.
Nicole decorating her Nature tree in the kitchen.
Close up of nature ornament.
Another ornament .
Buddy messing in the kitchen.
View of dining area in the kitchen with the pink tree. That tree has only candy and “gumma” ornaments on it.
Buddy working very hard to put lights in Nicole’s dollhouse.
This started out as a simple one tile job. Not so. I’ll have other pictures to show just what the damage was.
Decoration above the media center.
Just about finished.
Remember the one square fix? Well as you can see, it has grown. You can’t see it from here, but there is also tiles needing to be replace in the hall way. The following pictures shows what the men were dealing with.
We love to decorate our presents! The following is just a small example of our efforts. Sometimes they are too pretty to open.
Some pretty ornaments
on Nicole and Chuck’s tree.
Top of media center complete.
These aluminum trees were Chuck’s parents’. He loves them and they hold many fond memories. Nicole puts both of them up in the dining room.
Buddy still working on the doll house.
Much more to come.
OMG!! I can’t believe you posted photos of my hoard!!! Bad mother! Bad mother! I guess I’m going to have to get my butt in gear so I can show the after pictures. It doesn’t look nearly as bad as that now. Love and miss you!