On Wednesday we took Buddy to his first Broadway show. He loves the music from Phantom of the Opera, so we went to see that show. He loved it. I have seen this show once before. I don’t know how many times Jeannie has seen it, however, it never gets old. We all were just as thrilled as when we saw it the first time. Peter said it reminded him of a very elaborate opera. The sets were magnificent and the costumes were beautiful. We could not take pictures while the show was in progress, however, Buddy and I took some pictures of the stage before the show.
I’m afraid this is the only picture that I can show. When I had the pictures developed I had all the pictures lightened, however, I don’t know how to do it on my computer. The other pictures turned out very good. Too bad you can’t see them.
Peter took this shot of the three of us sitting in the theater.
Look at that line to get into the theater. Peter was a sweetheart and took me to the front of the line so I didn’t have to stand too long.
Before we went to the theater, my dearest friend, Allison gave Buddy and me a gift certificate to Sardi’s. What a treat!!! The food was very good and we enjoyed looking at all the movie stars’ pictures.
A bit blurry. I wish I could keep my hands more steady.
Poor Mikey. He had to be shut up for the entire time we were away. He was such a good doggie–he didn’t make one mess on the floor of the laundry room. Buddy rewarded him with a good time outside.
Happy dog! You know he was glad to see us come home. Mikey is a people type dog.
On Thursday we started packing to leave. I hated to leave. We both had such a good time. Buddy said that it was the closest he has had to family in many years. We were both sad to go.
Saying good bye to Jeannie.
We left early on Friday morning and had plans to stop at Roadside America. I love that place. I want to show Buddy because he loves trains. Roadside America is a miniature America. I took a ton of pictures. I am just going to post some of them here and hope you don’t get too bored.
Roadside America is the result of two young boys sharing a boyhood dream. Laurence Gieringer was 10 years old and his brother, Paul was eight when they started on this project.The two brothers worked together for seven years. Paul Gieringer answered the call to the priesthood. Before they parted, Paul persuaded Larry to continue in his work. From then on Larry worked alone.
The Gieringer miniatures officially became a public exhibit in 1935.
This was the railroad station
Just a cute house on Main Street
House next door
Look at all the flowers!
This is the town park or square.
A beautiful Cathedral with its 44 hand-painted windows. It required 400 hours to make this one building.
Movie house and department store.
This is one of my favorites. An Esso station with cars filling up and an attendant.
Closer picture of Esso station.
This was taken from behind a waterfall. The trustle bridge is the type built through the mountain areas during early construction days. The miniature is sufficiently stron to withstand the weight of several men. This waterfall spills into a lake that holds a ton and a half of water. All the water in the display enters into this lake and is recirculated.
This is a back water resort of our Eastern States.
Same picture
Ben Franklin-village printer, inventor and letter writer.
Charles A Gieringer, father of Laurence Gieringer, the practical harness maker for the village.
For over a hundred years, people took their dough to Peter Miller’s Bake Shop, where it was baked for a penny a loaf.
This I didn’t know. This is a beautiful white stucco house from a style originated by the Pueblo Indians in the southwest. It has been mistakenly classed as of Spanish origin, but it is truly American.
Laurence’s wife, Dora, is credited for making the shrubbery and trees which beautify the landscape at Roadside America.
I tried to get an overall view of the room.
Buddy and I had a wonderful time looking at all the miniatures.
From PA we headed south through VA and spent the night in Stauton. What a wonderful old town. We ate at wonderful restaurant that served blueberry butter, banana butter, and wonderful ribs. After dinner we took a drive around town to look at all the marvelous old home. This is one of my favorites.
Heading out of town the next morning, I snapped this picture. Don’t know why that sculpture was there, but I thought it was unique.
Until next time
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