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Art Retreats
Petticoats and Parasols
An Artistic Affaire - Printemps

Sunday Afternoon

Yesterday was my BAG group. Remember Book Artist Group.  There were only four of us, however, a lot of ideas and some beautiful crafts were shown.  Jean told me that Mimi was displaying her work at the Folk Art Center this weekend, so I headed on over as soon as our group was over.  Mimi is a wonderful paper artist.  She makes the most beautiful paper I have ever seen.  She lives in Weaverville.  One sheet of her paper will cost from $15 to $30plus. When I go to the center she was there making demo papers.  The demo papers were only $3 dollars.  Well, I just grabbed a good selection.  Now see if you can follow this.  Carla’s husband, the girl who does my hair, is related to Mimi.  I ran into Carla at the center.

You can’t see much of the building in this picture but it’s two stories with lots and lots of window.  You are not allowed to take pictures inside.  I guess they think you might steal someones ideas.

Since Nicole and I are going to Ireland, I thought it might be nice to buy something from Western North Carolina to give to our B&B hosts.  I found this cute salt and pepper shaker set.  What better gift to give someone who owns a B&B.  Maybe they will use them.

I liked the feel of the roundness in my hands.

This is a close up of the salt shaker.  Can  you see the little lady bug on top?  I thought it was cute.

It’s  Sunday afternoon and I haven’t done much of anything.  I did one load of wash, and watered some plants.  I don’t have AC and I’m too hot to do much of anything.  I keep meaning to clean up my craft room, but I just can’t find the energy. Maybe tomorrow.


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